Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are you trying to do too much?

I saw this pic on the net and I immediately this is exactly how I feel at times.

I saw this elephant trying to keep it all together. Now the elephant probably thinks he is doing okay. He is keeping up so far and hasn't fallen yet. He is thinking, man I am doing pretty good. He starts to get confident and maybe I should try just one more thing.

Now from the outside we see an disaster about to occur. We see this elephant and know it is only a matter of time before he crashes to his demise. We see this silly animal doing something that really is not that necessary. Why would he even try to do the stuff that doesn't really matter? We see the elephant try to take on one more move and then....the breaking point occurs.

Do you ever feel like you have too much going on? That life is a balancing act that sometimes feel so overwhelming you can't breathe. You think you can take on the world only to find out that you have hit your breaking point and don't know where to go from here. You're not alone. In this busy world it is easy to say yes to some commitments that really are just not necessary. They add stress and eventually lead to our breaking point.

The point is not to try and master the balancing act, it is to not get yourself into the situation where you are stretching yourself so thin that falling is the only way out. If you are feeling stretched to the limit, take time today to look at what is going on in your life. Is there something that you can let go of. Maybe it is deciding to focus on what really matters to you and letting go of the stuff that doesn't.

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